Before I get started on the actual content of this blog, I thought that I should give you loud and clear warning about what I am like so that you know what you are getting yourself in for.
I am male and 28 years old.
I do however act very much younger than my years. If you asked me how old I felt I would say about 20, perhaps younger. I can sometimes feel very much younger than even 20. Sometimes I feel very much like a child. But I don't have the sense of
child like wonder about the world, instead I have a child's timidity: "Will this be ok?", "Will I get hurt?", "Will I be punished?".
1) I am very timid and not fully developed.
This timidity has led me to shy away from situations that might have led me to become more 'worldy wise'. I often take refuge in my imagination, as opposed to exploring the world.
2) I am naive in many ways.
I have lived a very sheltered life up until the past 18 months, I lived at home until I started work. The sheltered nature of my life has led me have many naive, ideal, and unrealistic expectations about life.
3) I have idealistic expectations about life.
As my idealistic expectations clash with reality the expectations often get shattered, and this often leads me to become sad
and depressed.
4) I have a fairly gloomy and pessimistic outlook on life.
You may read things on this blog that:
(a) upset you
(b) depress you
(c) make you go "what !?!? Are you crazy / stupid ?"
If that's the case come back to this entry and see if the writing reflects the traits that I have outlined here.
It's not my intent to upset or disrupt anyone's world view, that's almost never a good thing to do. So if something bothers you, please accept my apology: "I'm sorry to have upset you."
And please remember that this is just a blog. If I were to bet about whether I was right or wrong about anything, I'd bet a lot of money on being wrong.
All that being said I do hope that you get something worthwhile from this blog.
P.S. I know that I promised actual content, that's coming in the next entry, I just had to get this out of the way.