Disclaimer - Executive Summary

I am a young, naive, extremely inexperienced programmer and I often say idiotic things. If you think my posts are full of rubbish that is because they are.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I Apologise for Over Generalising

I'm going to say something important in this post, it's so important that I have put it both as the next paragraph and at the end.

I am a young, naive, extremely inexperienced programmer and I often say idiotic things. If you think my posts are full of crap that is because they are.

It's interesting that this blog made it onto programming reddit, I'm still in a bit of shock. I thought that I had an audience of size: zero.

The main thing was that I had to post this stuff to get it off my chest. Blogging is very therapeutic for me.

I think that the way that I have been writing some of these posts has been wrong, and I'd like to do something to fix it.

I think that in some of my posts I over generalised where I should not have. I have taken things that were bothering me at work and have tried to dig deeper into what I think may have been the underlying causes, and I'm guessing that I probably wasn't successful.

Here is a running list of the posts I believe I have over generalised in to date in reverse chronological order:

1) Career Choices: Doing I.T. for a Bank

2) Enthusiasm

3) Organisational Values: Producers and Consumers

These posts should have been labelled as hypotheses, wanderings of my sad puzzled mind trying to make sense of it all, and I should have warned most explicitly that they should be taken with a sackful of salt, (at least).

I didn't and so I would like to apologise: I'm sorry.

I have relabelled the titles of some of my posts, put in warnings, and put up an executive summary of my disclaimer so that everything's clearer.

I am also going to open up comments, though this will be on a trial basis. I only have a dial up connection, and I sometimes only connect once a day, so if things don't go well I will turn them off again. But comments are important: good comments balance out the original post. I was wrong to disable them without seeing how things went.

Remember the most important thing about this post?

I am a young, naive, extremely inexperienced programmer and I often say idiotic things. If you think my posts are full of crap that is because they are.