Here's a bit of random weirdness. It happened to me very early on, sometime in the first three months.
My section leader David came round to me: "The business area just commented on how impressed they are with you."
My thoughts, a bit panicky, were: "Wait a minute! I haven't done anything!". And I said so to David. I didn't want to accidentally be credited with anything that I hadn't done, it could come back to bite me later.
ASIDE: This was true, I had done no work for the business area at that point, all I had done was attend meetings. When I was in those meetings I said nothing and just tried to be attentive. Sit down and shut up was my strategy.
He said: "No I mean it: they're impressed with you."
I thanked him, but felt a bit bewildered. I thought at the time David was just trying to cheer me up. At the time I would rather have been active and contributing.
It only became apparent to me later from speaking to a coworker that simply keeping your head down can be seen as a virtue ...