Disclaimer - Executive Summary

I am a young, naive, extremely inexperienced programmer and I often say idiotic things. If you think my posts are full of rubbish that is because they are.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I've never done this before you know.

Started a blog.

It's a little scary.

Putting my thoughts out into the world.

But here goes ...

Firstly I'd like to tell you a little about myself.

I would prefer to remain anonymous. There are things that I need to be able to talk about, and I'm a little shy of the wrong people seeing them, and taking umbrage or offence.

So you will just have to know me by my pseudo name: Cron.

I am male and 28 years old (as of the time of writing).

I have a university education that encompasses both the Arts and the Sciences.

The most pertinent areas that I have studied formally at uni are Computer Science and Philosophy.

I have now finished my studies and have now moved into the work force as a programmer.

I have been working for 18 months now for an organisation that I would rather not name.

Now, before you go and start getting excited I do not work anywhere special, I don't work at some top secret facility, and I'm not a whistle blower for some large infamous corporation e.g. IBM or Microsoft.

The organisation that I work for is very bland and uninteresting.

"If there is a bright centre of the universe, you're on the planet that it's farthest from."
- Luke Skywalker Star Wars Episode IV.

I will want to talk about the sort of work that I do, and I'd like to keep my organisation's name out of it, just in case someone from there should accidentally stumble upon this.

What I will say though is the place that I work at uses Microsoft technology to develop web applications, we use ASP.NET and C#, with SQL SERVER 2005. And I dare say that I will have things to say about that later.

The reason that I am writing this blog is that this is my first full time job, and also it is the first time that I have ever been away from home, this has proven to be quite traumatic, and I need to talk.

The purpose of this blog thus is to talk about: work, IT, and related topics.

I'm not sure that I will stick to that, but it will do for a start.

There maybe more coming than just this one blog, but for now I'd like to keep it simple, if I start talking about some of the things that might be coming, then it will start to sound like promises, and those promises I may not necessarily be able to keep.

Though I am in fact 28 years old, I am very naive and inexperienced, so if I will probably often sound a lot younger. Goodness knows that I feel much younger than 28. If I sound young and idiotic that is because I am.

If you are an experienced older hand at either IT, or life in general then I think that this blog may dissapoint you, it is for someonewho is just starting out in life like I am, and one of my main aims is to talk about things that I wish that I had known sooner. I hope that someone who reads this will find their start into working life at least a little easier than I have had mine.

One last thing: I have decided to keep comments switched off for now. It's hard enough to write as it is and I feel a little self conscious, hopefully this will pass. If you want to say something then you can email me at: cron.anonymous@gmail.com. Please if you do email could you put: "cron-work:" at the start of the subject line, that way I won't accidentally delete your email.

I can't necessarily promise responses to emails, but I am very interested in anything constructive that you have to say.

I do hope that you get something out of these posts.

That's enough for now. More about me, and some actual content coming in the next entry.